Register to get access to our on-demand webinar where we discuss the latest employer branding trends, challenges and strategies by the UK’s leading HR and Marketing professionals.

With the UK currently facing the worst staff shortage since the late 1990’s, having a strong employer brand has never been more advantageous for securing top talent. The ‘power’ is estimated to remain with candidates throughout 2022, leaving organisations who choose not to adapt to be left behind. As demands change, as candidates evolve what is important to them, we’ll see the need for rapid evolutions within businesses in order to fill positions and also deliver on the employee experience as a whole.

Here is a sneak peak of some of our panellists insights – register on the form opposite to instant access to the discussion.

  • Zombie job ads
  • Stop people from working
  • Push accountability outwards
  • Foresee the wellbeing windfall
  • Discover the rest in the recording…





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