Someone smart once said that diversity is being asked to the party, but inclusion is being invited to dance.

Let’s start by inviting people to the party.


Diversity and inclusion. Two words that have taken root at the heart of most companies.

They go hand in hand, and together play a massive part in building stronger company cultures and increasing bottom lines. It is found that companies with ethnic diversity are 33% more likely to perform at a higher level, with increased ROI, than those without diversity.

Download our guide with 8 tangible ways to attract and hire more diverse candidates.



As part of our ongoing mission to make work an adventure, we want to ensure we are giving equal opportunities to all jobseekers who use our platform. Below you can see an overview of the candidates you will find on Tempo.


When it comes to inclusive workplace culture, most businesses think they have it. But in reality, there is a lot more they could do.

Inclusion in the workplace is important for employee happiness, for attracting and retaining diverse talent, and for the success of a business.

Did you know? Highly inclusive companies are 120% more likely to hit their financial targets.


Our fundamental belief is that everyone deserves to realise their full potential. We recognise the influence we have in levelling the playing field and providing people with access to opportunities they may have otherwise not been afforded. We want to be a force for good and do what we think is right in using our position to open doors that may otherwise have been closed.

- Ben Chatfield and Ollie Povey, Founders of Tempo