Dec 7th 2021

Why traditional CVs are OUT and profile videos are IN

With hundreds (sometimes thousands) of candidates going after the same job, getting noticed can feel impossible with a traditional CV. So, what if we told you that with a short 90 second video, employers can get a better idea of your determination, passion and personality? Not only are they a great way to let companies get a sense of who you are, but they also give you an opportunity to set yourself apart from others!

Let’s take a closer look at a proven example of how Tempo’s profile videos can help you secure interviews and job offers. 


As a fresh graduate with a strong background in humanities, Devi wasn’t quite sure what she wanted to do. She started searching on various job boards and agencies, until she found herself exploring all that the Tempo hiring platform had to offer. After tailoring her skills and experience as well as perfectly curating her profile video, Devi definitely stood out from the crowd! She received several interviews and offers from multiple employers and now, we can proudly say that Devi has joined the Tempo team as a Sales Development Representative! But how exactly did she do it?     


Devi was determined to shine through and reached out to Tempo for advice. “I spoke to Sarah, one of the Candidate Experience Executives. And she recommended doing a video, especially for someone wanting to go into a sales role.” Did you know…

A candidate is 7x more likely to get hired if they have a profile video.

You heard that right! Devi found this out after she uploaded her own video, “when I put mine up, I got so many more matches and companies seemed more interested! I really trusted the Tempo process and made sure I was super active on the site as well.” During the process of filming her video, Devi noticed that it helped her really pinpoint her strengths. “I think it gives you a confidence boost. Especially if you use it as if you’re pitching yourself. It’s also a kind of process of self-reflection, like what do I have to offer?”  

On top of that, she found that using a video was a lot more personable and had more impact in the way you communicate to employers, especially compared to a traditional CV. 

“I think in a CV, It’s quite hard to get your personality across. Everyone uses the same kind of structure and can be very easily compared. Also, you’re told “don’t add a photo” and “don’t add colour”, whereas the video profile is the opposite. It allows you to be expressive and communicative. And it kind of allows you to sparkle and be seen in a completely different light!”  


After scheduling multiple interviews with potential employers, Devi noticed a common theme in her feedback. 

“In every single interview, they mentioned my video! I think I probably got all of my interviews off the back of the video, as opposed to my experience.” 

Devi also found that her video profile increased the level of comfortability with each employer. “I gave them a bit of an insight into my hobbies, so they had something to go off of when they spoke to me. They had more things to talk to me about than just my work experience which helped break the ice.” 

Despite not having as much experience as she’d like, Devi used her video as an opportunity to express where she wanted to be and let her passion speak for itself. She caught the eye of the Tempo talent acquisition team, in which the feeling was definitely mutual! “I felt like I was being seen for all of my qualities.” Ultimately, this is what led Devi to choose Tempo over her other offers. “I felt very valued during the entire process. I got feedback after every interview and it showed me that even though I’m going through their hiring process, I’m being mentored at the same time, which is something I really wanted from a role.”     


Lucky for us, Devi has provided 3 key tips and tricks she used to secure so many offers. 

1. She encourages all candidates to use a teleprompter app on your phone or laptop as well as practice, practice and more practice. “I don’t have an amazing memory, so the main thing for me was writing a script beforehand, rehearsing it and making sure it had a nice narrative. And then I used the teleprompter and recorded it a few times, which made everything a lot easier.”

2. Devi also suggests inserting your personality into your profile video. “I think it was really important for me to include things other than my skills or academic background, but things like hobbies. For example, I used being part of the quartet as a metaphor for how I work in a team.”

3. Lastly, Devi advises that it is super important to be transparent and your true self in order to find your best cultural fit.

“If you’re not a super formal person, don’t put on a suit. If you wear lots of loud jewellery, if you wear bright colours, if you have a nose ring, wear it! Present yourself in the way which is your most authentic self.”  

Check out Devi’s winning video below and see her case study here


Want to craft your own profile video and gain access to jobs from 2,500+ of the UK’s fastest growing companies?