Jan 3rd 2019

Why everyone wants to work in tech

The tech industry is booming. In fact, it is growing at a faster rate than the entire UK economy during 2018 – which is pretty mental. It’s little wonder why so many people want a piece of the Pi. (See what we did there? ;))

But what is it exactly that is so appealing to us about working in tech? Is it because we want to be part of ground-breaking new changes? Is it because we like the idea of being able to wear trainers to work? Or, is it, as a benefit mentioned by many of our Super Startups, because you can end the week by cracking open the beer fridge every Friday?

In no particular order, here are five great reasons why we think everyone wants to work in tech:

A rapidly growing market

The technology sector is growing at a crazy rate, with 1.56 million people in the UK now working in tech. From digital to design, from coding to chief information officers, there’s a multitude of roles to suit each and every skillset.

Awesome employee benefits

Free food, gym memberships, the odd office dog, and the very best healthcare schemes are just some of the ways that tech businesses look after their employees – and we’ve only just scratched the surface. Tech companies want to attract the very best talent, so they tend to offer a world of other quirky benefits too; our favourite has to be AirBnB who give staff a travel allowance of $2,000 towards their holidays. Hello, Barbados!

Fancy work environments

Tech companies are often kitted out with interiors that leave you wondering if you want to (or even need to) go home. Take, for instance the slide, right in the middle of the office at Ticketmaster HQ, or the sleeping pods at Google.

Hands up if you fancy a bit of that!

Job satisfaction

Being part of the fast-moving tech industry will no doubt mean you are part of pioneering change; and with that, comes job satisfaction. The tech industry is always evolving meaning that there is always something new to learn and you will continually feel challenged.

What’s more, working for a tech start-up can be even more rewarding. It allows you to be part of something big from the very beginning. Take, for instance, Laundrapp, who have grown to 100 towns or cities since they started only in 2015.

Great pay

In such a fast-growing and lucrative industry, it’s not surprising that people who work in tech benefit from great pay. In fact, research (as of Jan 2018) shows that the average tech salary has risen by a staggering, 24%. Ka-ching!

Of course, each company has their own unique set of advantages and there is so much out there to discover. Be it a Silicon Giant or a small start-up, the world of employment is changing – and you can change with it too.

Our growing community has a host of tech employers waiting to find someone just like you. Sign up for your free account with Tempo today, to find a world of tech jobs in London.