Feb 4th 2021

Spotlight: How two Tempo candidates landed their dream job

Looking for work sucks. It can be time-consuming and stressful for job seekers. But that next stage in your life should be something you look forward to, with the journey to landing your dream job an adventure. 

Whether you’re looking for your first job out of university, a career change to work in tech, or maybe some temp work to support your side hustle, the Tempo platform has all the tools you need to make finding work an adventure. We use machine learning to match you to your dream job at some of the UK’s most exciting startups, with a platform that tailors to your needs and skillsets. 

Meet Thomas and Gurshagun, and dive into how each of them used Tempo in their own way to work in startups and find their perfect role. 

1. How Tempo supported Thomas’ passion through temp work

Thomas is a freelance writer who uses temp work to support himself when he is in between job opportunities. But the hiring landscape for temps like Thomas is difficult as you often don’t hear back for weeks. 

“I need a constant, reliable source of temp work not only to support my dream job but also to give my life a sense of structure.”

Back in 2018, Thomas was looking for a temp role to keep himself afloat and that’s when he stumbled across Tempo. “I decided to sign up to see if it could solve my job dilemma. I was matched with a bunch of opportunities instantly and landed my first startup role within a week.” Thomas has been using Tempo ever since as his one-stop-shop to support his freelancing, with the constant stream of temp work giving him the opportunity to gain valuable skills and experiences in the tech industry. He has been able to dip his toe into roles that range from operations and support to sales and marketing, working at various fast-growing and innovative companies. 

“The whole process is so smooth and rewarding that I am weirdly loyal to Tempo as the only hiring platform I use.” 

Thanks to loyal candidates like Thomas, Tempo has built a strong community of reliable and skilled temps that employers can tap into. 

If you want to know more about Thomas’ adventure in tech startup jobs using Tempo over the last two years, then hit the button below. 

2. How Tempo helped Gurshagun find her dream job in a pandemic

Gurshagun has spent her time over the years as an actor, jewellery business owner, and beauty consultant, where she gained different soft skills along the way. Two days before Gurshagun was meant to start a new sales role, the pandemic hit and she was thrown headfirst into an uncertain job market with a difficult hiring process. She applied for dozens of jobs daily including entry-level roles that weren’t that difficult, and ones where people often wouldn’t even reply. 

“The job search during this pandemic has been so frustrating and disheartening. There is a lot of top talent that is, right now, unemployed.” 

Whilst fruitlessly trying a bunch of agencies, Gurshagun came across Tempo through an Instagram ad and signed up immediately. She found the Tempo team efficient at communicating and really helpful when it came to job advice and the interview process. “Tempo checked in and offered constant support and links to webinars. Without this support, I probably would’ve given up persevering with Bulb – where I recently got offered a job.” 

Gurshagun showed she was really committed to keeping on top of her application, showing a passion for Bulb and their company culture and what they did. Combined with taking advice from Tempo on how to build out her profile to give herself the best chance of standing out from the crowd, this ultimately helped her land her dream job. 

“Have faith in the companies that say they are hiring and have confidence in yourself, showing dedication and passion for the role you are applying for.”

For more advice on how Gurshagun approached the job hunt in a tough job climate, read her full story below.  

At Tempo, it’s all about you. Whether it’s taking an alternative route into work, or showcasing your transferable skills in a unique way, we use innovative recruitment to help you find your dream job. Head over here to check it out. 

If you are looking for some inspiration on how to stand out from the crowd, have a read of our 7 examples of creative job applications