May 10th 2022

How EngageTech used Tempo to reach their SDR hiring goals

Scaling the team was a crucial goal of EngageTech in 2022, and ensuring that new recruits fit into their culture was a non-negotiable. Read on to learn more about why EngageTech chose Tempo as a hiring partner to support sourcing their SDR and Account Exec roles.

The Company

EngageTech is a customer-focused Outsourced Sales Consultancy and SaaS platform working specifically to support the Tech sector. Their 10 years of experience, vast data knowledge base and global reach are what sets them apart from other competitors.

The Challenges

EngageTech embarked on its scaling-up journey towards the end of 2021 aptly named, the road to 250. The aim was to scale their internal team with a focus on attracting and training high calibre Sales Development Representatives as they feed their core Outsourced Consultancy service as well as their internal progression roadmap.  EngageTech prides itself on championing potential over experience and looks for candidates who are entry-level, graduates or early careers. 

Why Tempo?

We spoke to Issy Rann, People Manager at EngageTech, about Why Tempo was their chosen provider. 

Volume hiring is tricky and finding the right candidates can be time consuming, so Issy turned to Tempo. Having used Tempo herself as a candidate and finding it incredibly easy to use – it was a no-brainer to use it on the flip side to find the right talent for EngageTech. The algorithm feature used on Tempo to match suitable candidates to job roles was a star feature for Issy.

“…Tempo was really easy to use from the candidate side, so we started using it from the hiring side because it was refining who we found for the roles through Tempo’s matching algorithm … this means we can search for the best fit using different in-built features much easier and than other methods.” 

What’s one of your favourite features on Tempo? 

The candidate profile videos. When someone does a really good video, they really stand out and that sticks with you… I’ve found it gives me something to show off to hiring managers before they do the interview.”

What else do you love about working with Tempo?

I feel well supported by Tempo; Mary and Shushan [from the Relationship and Customer Success team] book in our quarterly reviews and if I have any queries they’re always first to follow up on things”


Hear it for yourself and watch the full video below!