Jan 28th 2021

7 examples of creative dream job applications

You’re on the hunt for your dream job, trying your best to nail your applications by following the advice of, “make it personal” or “make sure you stand out from the crowd.” With hiring managers sifting through on average 250 CVs for each application, you are clearly up against thousands of other candidates trying to do the same thing. 

You are more than your CV. You know it, we know it. It’s time companies start to know it too. But a recent study showed 65% of employers want to see a CV that is tailored to the role. So this is where we come in to give you some inspiration. Here is a list of seven creative job applications where candidates took things to the next level to land their dream job. 

Applications that grab the attention of employers

Video applications 

Let’s be honest, a CV can feel pretty impersonal. What you have to offer is so much more than your CV – a unique personality and set of experiences that is completely untapped through a simple piece of paper.

Welcome to the world of video. Where you can not only sell yourself, your skills, your experience but also let your personality shine through. And we have two different, but equally great, examples for you. 

1. Rap video for a CV

This candidate decided to write a rap for his CV and cover letter, making his application fun and engaging, whilst still highlighting what he can bring to the table. 

2. Profile video on the Tempo platform

This candidate used our profile video feature to stand out to employers by showing off not only her skill set but what she was looking for. This allowed her to show employers that she was more than her CV and she ended up landing her dream job. 

Fun fact: On the Tempo platform, you are seven times more likely to get hired if you have a profile video. Have a go yourself and you’ll land a job offer in no time. If you want some top tips on how to record a good profile video, just head over here

The use of online tools 

We live in a world surrounded by technology where online job applications have become the norm. So why not use the tools at your disposal to your advantage and send out a work application that will land you a job interview in an innovative and informative way. Here are some ideas to help inspire you. 

3. Google Maps CV 

This candidate had a background in international digital advertising. To show this off in an engaging way, he created a Google Maps CV to highlight all the places he had worked across the world. By using dropped pins he was able to give a detailed description as well as a visual representation of his expansive experience. 

4. An imitation of the employer’s website 

What better way to show your passion for the company, than to market yourself using their own website? A candidate applying to Pinterest decided to show she knew the site inside and out and built an extensive CV for Pinterest. This way she showed off her own skills as well as her knowledge of how the platform worked. 

The designed-inspired CV 

By sending a handmade job application via direct mail you avoid your CV ending up in an email inbox amongst hundreds of others. It means you can show off your skill sets in a personalised and unique way. To help you succeed at writing applications, why not branch out with some crafty design elements to show you are more than your CV. Try these ones on for size!

5. CV made of Lego 

To make her application memorable by boldly telling the hiring manager she was the right person for the job, this candidate sent customised packets of Lego sets with her personal information to “build the perfect account service intern.” 

6. CV on a box of handmade chocolates

The key to anyone’s heart is through food. So why not give employers a tasty treat while they read all about you? This candidate put his CV on a handmade box of chocolates to grab the hiring manager’s attention in a very sweet way. 

7. A self-promotional CV

When applying for a job you are essentially marketing your own personal brand. So why should you be limited to just your name on the top of a piece of paper? This candidate instead branded her name on a gift box of badges with a whole catalogue highlighting all her skills to make sure she left her mark. 

Just because you’ve been taught to send a CV with your name on it to an employer, doesn’t mean you aren’t allowed some artistic license. Hiring managers spend between 6-8 seconds looking at a CV, so they want to see you go that extra mile, showing dedication to their company and out-of-the-box thinking. So next time you want to apply for a job, think about how best you can show employers the whole package and not just a list of achievements on a piece of paper. 

You are more than your CV. So why let your application end up in a pile with hundreds of other applicants? It’s your time to shine. At Tempo, we provide you with the tools to really show employers what you have to offer. We not only use machine learning to match you to the UK’s most exciting companies, but we also provide a platform where you can record your own profile video and let your personality shine through. Head over here to check it out. 

Not sure what you want to do next – find out what it’s like to work in sales from one of our candidates.