Aug 26th 2021

10 reasons why graduates love Tempo

Looking for a job sucks. Especially for graduates. A recent study found that the biggest barrier for university students when searching for a job is having the required work experience. And not only that, many graduates are struggling to stand out against a crowd of thousands of other candidates – especially during the Covid-19 pandemic. 

Tempo is here to break down those barriers to entry and offer you an alternative route into some of the UK’s most exciting startups. Tempo is your direct line to kickstart your career in customer support, sales, marketing, operations and admin.

So what makes job hunting on Tempo different from any other traditional methods? We pulled together ten reasons why Tempo is the go-to platform for graduates.

1. No more long applications 

On Tempo, you only need to create one profile which acts as your CV. It contains everything employers want to know, from skills and experience to salary expectations and availability. This means that you don’t need to make multiple CVs or go through long, drawn out application processes for every single company as you just need to hit the ‘Apply button! How easy is that?

2. Get matched instantly

Graduates love Tempo because we use machine learning to instantly connect candidates to over 2,500 of the UK’s most exciting companies. Whether you’re looking for flexible roles or a full-time gig, our platform matches you to jobs that work for you based on the information you provide on your profile. This means that on Tempo, jobs apply to you!

3. Everything is in one place

It can be hard to keep up with the job hunt. Especially if you have interview invites, emails from hiring managers, and task requirements coming in and you find yourself trying to dig them up in your inbox. But at Tempo, companies can message, invite you to interviews and make offers all within the platform, making your job search as hassle-free as possible. With everything in one place, it’s never been easier to find your next work adventure.

Yolanda, a Tempo candidate says, “It’s made my life so much easier. It’s so simple and very well suited to graduates, having the whole process all in one place and not having to write multiple CVs and cover letters.” 

4. Total transparency

You apply for one job after the other. You wait to hear back. Days turn into weeks. Weeks turn in months. Radio silence. Nothing sucks more than applying to hundreds of jobs after university and never hearing back. We’ve all been there and we want to change that. We want our platform to be transparent so we encourage employers to give feedback to candidates as much as possible. We’ve even made it clear for graduates to know where they’re at in the hiring process thanks to our ‘interview stages’ feature.

5. Get hired 7x more with a profile video

On your Tempo profile, you have the option to film a short video to introduce yourself. We found that candidates are seven times more likely to get hired by doing so! Why is that? Well, video CVs give you the opportunity to let your personality shine through – something that is impossible to do with a piece of paper. So if you want to show employers you are more than your CV, make sure to film a video on your profile.

One Tempo graduate, Yolanda, was really able to use her profile video to her advantage:

“In a lot of my interviews, they said the reason I got to that stage was because of my video. It helped me to stand out – communicating what I was looking for and the soft skills that I could bring to the table.”

6. Explore your options with temporary jobs

If you’re leaving university feeling lost and confused about what career path you want to go down, why not turn to temporary jobs? Temporary opportunities are the unsung hero of the working world and allow you to dip your toes in a range of roles without the commitment of a full-time job. This way, you can explore what you’re really passionate about. It gives you a breadth of experience and new skills to bring with you to your next job. On top of that, it’s a great opportunity to prove yourself on the job and give employers a reason to offer you a permanent position. In fact, Juno, a recent graduate, was offered a temporary job via Tempo at a fast-growing startup and ended up going from temp to perm after smashing the role.

“This was a great route into work for me as I was able to build relationships with the team. It also gave me an opportunity to demonstrate my skills and personality in a way that I would not have been able to in an interview.”

7. Message hiring managers directly

The graduate job hunt can be tough and so competitive. That’s why on Tempo you can message hiring managers directly to get ahead of the game. Use our note feature to write a tailored reason to let employers know why their role sparks your interest and why you’re a good fit. In just 250 characters, you could make a lasting impression that will set you apart from others. 

8. Entry-level roles that require no experience

Many graduates leave university with little to no experience and struggle to find a job. But we believe that you are more than your CV. At Tempo, we have plenty of entry-level opportunities at exciting startups which require less experience than those big names. And to really stand out of the crowd, you can use our platform features, such as the profile video and extra-curricular section, to demonstrate the transferable skills applicable to the roles you are applying to.

Chris Davies, Founder of Graduate Coach says, “Employers want graduates who can demonstrate they have acquired the key employability skills they are looking for.” 

9. Getting hired is faster than average

Let’s face it. The recruitment process can drag out and take weeks – and sometimes even months. Going through long, drawn out application processes over and over again can be demoralising and frustrating. But on Tempo, companies make a hire in just 4 days on average. That’s 36 days faster than the industry average! Our fastest placement happened in just 27 minutes, and nearly two-thirds of our employers make an offer within one week – and that’s because we work with some of the UK’s most ambitious and fastest-growing companies.

Thomas, a Tempo candidate says, “The whole process is so smooth and rewarding that I am weirdly loyal to Tempo as the only hiring platform I use.”

10. Extra-curricular section

There is a dedicated extra-curricular section on candidate profiles, making it simple for graduates to shine a light on all the exciting experiences and skills gained outside of work. Let’s say you were the president of a university society, you will most likely have gained soft skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication and time management. These are all valuable skills that can be applied to the real working world and give employers an insight into how you may work on the job. In fact, a study we did showed that employers believed hiring people with good soft skills is more important than ever. By showcasing these experiences on your Tempo profile, employers will see the whole picture when making hiring decisions.

And there we have it. 10 reasons why graduates love Tempo. Finding a graduate job is never going to be easy. Especially during a pandemic when you are faced with tough competition. But if you utilise our platform features to go above and beyond and demonstrate to employers that you are passionate and ready to make a difference at their company, then you will land a graduate job in no time.

So what are you waiting for? Hit the button below to get matched to exciting graduate opportunities on the Tempo platform.