Sep 11th 2020

Find a job: The importance of recording a profile video

The job market has changed considerably over the past couple of years, and even more so since the current pandemic. Technology has revolutionised every industry, including recruitment. Hiring managers are turning away from traditional recruitment methods and taking on a fresh approach to the application process, especially now as the working world has become largely virtual. 

Plus, competition in the job market has never been tougher. You are coming up against a large pool of talented candidates that have been thrown into a world of uncertainty with a shortage of jobs. Now is not the time to approach your job applications half-heartedly. You need to give yourself the best chance of standing out from the crowd. And your run-of-the-mill application is not the way to do this. You need something that will give you that competitive edge. Recording a video is a great way to do just that. 

Your Tempo profile video 

With Tempo, your profile essentially acts as your CV. It is what employers see when you are matched with roles and therefore you should make it as perfect as possible. Our platform gives you the option to record a video to complete your online profile and help you stand out to employers. Even though recording a video may seem daunting, jumping on this opportunity to let your personality shine through is a no brainer.  

And to make it that much easier for you, we have a video with some advice on why it’s important and top tips to make sure you nail it.

Video key highlights 

Why you need a video on Tempo

  • Videos are a fantastic way to put a face to your name and allows your personality to shine through – something you can’t do with a traditional CV.
  • Most times, a simple CV is just not enough to showcase your personality and enthusiasm. With a profile video, you can use it to highlight your experience, passions, your current employment situation, what you’re looking for, or even if you just want to share your interests outside of work. 
  • Video CVs give you a unique opportunity to show potential employers whether you’re a culture fit to the team and gives you a competitive edge over others. 

Tips on how to film a good candidate video

  • Find a quiet and tidy location to film with good lighting. A place where it’s not too dark and not overwhelmingly bright. 
  • You don’t have to use a camera to film, your webcam or phone camera is great as long as it’s kept still.
  • Start off by giving a short introduction of yourself, followed by the work experience you have. Be sure to highlight any notable achievements and the key skills you gained that you feel are relevant and make you stand out from the crowd.  
  • Then, share what you’re looking for in your next role.
  •  Feel free to share any of your interests or passions outside of work too. Remember to maintain good eye contact with the camera and don’t forget to smile.

Once you’ve done it you will see just how easy it is. And the difference it will make to your profile and the chances of you getting a job will make it totally worth it.

For more on the advantages of recording a video instead of writing a CV, check out our blog here.