Sep 29th 2019

5 DOS and DON’TS to nail your interview

It’s always exciting when you get the call for an interview. It’s the perfect chance to sell yourself and show your potential employer what you’re made of. But then the moment hits and it begins to dawn on you that you have no idea what you’re doing.

Don’t worry; we’ve all been there.

Here are 5 top dos and don’ts to help you nail that interview.


  1. Show respect for the employer and the opportunity. Arrive 10-15 minutes early and dress appropriately. It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed.
  2. Know the job and how you fit its requirements. Study the job description carefully, particularly the requirements and how you and your experiences match, or even exceed, them.
  3. Be prepared to answer the standard job interview questions such as your strengths and weaknesses, where you see yourself in two years, and why you’re the right person for the role.
  4. Research the employer – the quickest way to fail an interview is to know nothing about the company. They want you to demonstrate a passion for what they do.
  5. SMILE and establish eye contact. It is scientifically proven to increase your chances of connecting with other people and it shows confidence. Practice with a friend if you feel this is something you can improve.


  1. Half-listen to what the interviewer says. You might miss an important part of the question or what they are saying by rushing to speak.
  2. Share an accomplishment unless it is relevant and impressive. Focus on your most recent accomplishments that are transferable to the requirements of the job.
  3. Lie or misrepresent anything. Making a false claim can be easily discovered by accessing online information. Many employers double check information… so it’s not worth the risk.
  4. Trash your current or past employer or co-workers. Honesty is the best policy but it is important to avoid being negative about former places you’ve worked. Instead focus on things you would improve if there’s something you’re not happy with.
  5. Ask questions about background checks, drug tests, raises, and holidays (until the job offer stage). Asking about drug tests or background checks makes it look like you have something to hide. Big red flag.

Good luck in your interview! Remember, you’re there because the company is genuinely interested in you. So relax and enjoy the ride!

Read our blog here on how to make a great impression in less than 15 seconds.